Seminar: Programs, Logics, and Automata
Summer term 2017
During the summer term 2017, the Institute of Theoretical Computer Science offers a seminar on Programs, Logics, and Automata, headed by Prof. Dr. Roland Meyer.
If you intend to participate, please apply for the seminar via the Stud.IP system.
Number of participants: We give topics to at most 12 students.
Target audience: Computer Science BA and MA students. This is a joint seminar.
Kick-Off Meeting: 5th April, 2017 at the office of Prof. Dr. Meyer.
You can choose one out of several topics and you are asked to
- write a seminar paper in English, 10 pages in LIPIcs style, and
- prepare and give a talk of 30 minutes (including questions).
Each seminar topic is assigned an advisor that you should contact in case you have questions.
There is a fixed meeting with your advisor scheduled two weeks before you hand in the seminar paper.
We offer the following topics:
SAT Solvers
Bounded Model Checking
Theory Solvers
Combination of Theories
Verification Condition Generation
From Symbolic Execution to Concolic Testing
Fixpoints and Data-Flow Analysis
Language theoretic Abstraction Refinement