Publications 2014Publications 2014
Conference contributions
- Bounds on Mobility,
by Reiner Hüchting, Rupak Majumdar, and Roland Meyer.
In Proceedings of CONCUR 2014.
PDF | DOI | BibTeX
- On Boolean closed full trios and rational Kripke frames,
by Markus Lohrey and Georg Zetzsche.
In Proceedings of STACS 2014.
- Robustness against Power is PSPACE-complete,
by Egor Derevenetc and Roland Meyer.
In Proceedings of ICALP 2014.
arXiv | DOI | BibTeX
- Memory-Model-Aware Testing - a Unified Complexity Analysis,
by Florian Furbach, Roland Meyer, Klaus Schneider, and Maximilian Senftleben.
In Proceedings of ACSD 2014.
ACSD 2014 best paper award.
- Checking and Enforcing Robustness against Relaxed Memory Models,
by Ahmed Bouajjani, Egor Derevenetc, and Roland Meyer.
In Proceedings of SE 2014.
- On Bounded Reachability Analysis of Shared Memory Systems,
by Prakash Saivasan, K Narayan Kumar, Mohammed Faouzi Atig, and Ahmed Bouajjani.
In Proceedings of FSTTCS 2014.
- The Monoid of Queue Actions,
by Martin Huschenbett, Dietrich Kuske, and Georg Zetzsche.
In Proceedings of MFCS 2014.
DOI | arXiv