Publications 2012Publications 2012
Conference contributions
- A Polynomial Translation of Pi-Calculus (FCP) to Safe Petri Nets,
by Roland Meyer, Victor Khomenko, and Reiner Hüchting.
In Proceedings of CONCUR 2012.
- Linear-Time Model-Checking for Multithreaded Programs under Scope-Bounding,
by Prakash Saivasan, K Narayan Kumar, Mohammed Faouzi Atig, and Ahmed Bouajjani.
In Proceedings of ATVA 12.
- Language-Theoretic Abstraction Refinement,
by Zhenyue Long, Georgel Calin, Rupak Majumdar, and Roland Meyer.
In Proceedings of FASE 2012.
ETAPS 2012 best paper award by EAPLS.
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- Soter: An Automatic Safety Verifier for Erlang,
by Emanuele D'Osualdo, Jonathan Kochems, and C.-H. Luke Ong.
In Proceedings of AGERE! 12.
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- An Algorithmic Framework for Coverability in Well-Structured Systems,
by Tim Strazny and Roland Meyer.
In Proceedings of ACSD 2012.
ACSD 2012 best paper award.
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Journal articles
- Petri Net Reachability Graphs: Decidability Status of FO Properties,
by Ph. Darondeau, S. Demri, Roland Meyer, and C. Morvan.
Logical Methods in Computer Science,
- Automata-Theoretic Control for Total Store Ordering Architectures,
Master Thesis by Florian Furbach.
Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, 2012.
Technical Reports
- A Polynomial Translation of Pi-Calculus (FCP) to Safe Petri Nets,
by Roland Meyer, Victor Khomenko, and Reiner Hüchting.
Technical Report CS-TR-1323, School of Computing Science, Newcastle University, 2012.