Institute of

Theoretical Computer Science


Technische Universität Braunschweig

Journal articles

Journal articles

  1. Liveness in Broadcast Networks, by Peter Chini, Roland Meyer, and Prakash Saivasan.
    Computing, 2021.
    Conference Version | Full Version @ arXiv

  2. Fine-Grained Complexity of Safety Verification, by Peter Chini, Roland Meyer, and Prakash Saivasan.
    Journal of Automated Reasoning, 2020.
    DOI | arXiv

  3. Fine-Grained Complexity of Program Verification Tasks, by Peter Chini, Roland Meyer, and Prakash Saivasan.
    Parameterized Complexity Newsletter, 2019.

  4. Knapsack and subset sum problems in nilpotent, polycyclic, and co-context-free groups, by Daniel König, Markus Lohrey, and Georg Zetzsche.
    Contemporary Mathematics, 2016.

  5. Rational subsets and submonoids of wreath products, by Markus Lohrey, Benjamin Steinberg, and Georg Zetzsche.
    Information and Computation, 2015.
    DOI | arXiv

  6. Memory-Model-Aware Testing - a Unified Complexity Analysis, by Florian Furbach, Roland Meyer, Klaus Schneider, and Maximilian Senftleben.
    ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS), 2015.
    PDF | BibTeX

  7. A Polynomial Translation of Pi-Calculus (FCP) to Safe Petri Nets, by Victor Khomenko, Roland Meyer, and Reiner Hüchting.
    Logical Methods in Computer Science, 2013.
    arXiv | BibTeX

  8. Petri Net Reachability Graphs: Decidability Status of FO Properties, by Ph. Darondeau, S. Demri, Roland Meyer, and C. Morvan.
    Logical Methods in Computer Science, 2012.

  9. Toward Understanding the Generative Capacity of Erasing Rules in Matrix Grammars, by Georg Zetzsche.
    International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 2011.

  10. A Theory of Structural Stationarity in the Pi-Calculus, by Roland Meyer.
    Acta Informatica, 2009.
    DOI | BibTeX

  11. CoLoSS: The Coalgebraic Logic Satisfiability Solver, by Georgel Calin, Robert S. R. Myers, Dirk Pattinson, and Lutz Schröder.
    Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci., 2009.

  12. Multiset Pushdown Automata, by Manfred Kudlek, Patrick Totzke, and Georg Zetzsche.
    Fundamenta Informaticae, 2009.

  13. Properties of Multiset Language Classes Defined by Multiset Pushdown Automata, by Manfred Kudlek, Patrick Totzke, and Georg Zetzsche.
    Fundamenta Informaticae, 2009.

  14. Structural analysis in the problem of decompilation, by Egor Derevenetc and K.N. Dolgova.
    Collection of Young Scientists' Articles, 2009.

  15. A Practical Approach to Verification of Mobile Systems using Net Unfoldings, by Roland Meyer, Victor Khomenko, and Tim Strazny.
    Fundamenta Informaticae, 2009.
    DOI | BibTeX

  16. Structural analysis in the problem of decompilation, by Egor Derevenetc and K.N. Dolgova.
    Applied Informatics, 2009.
    PDF | BibTeX

  17. Petri Net Controlled Finite Automata, by Berndt Farwer, Matthias Jantzen, Manfred Kudlek, Heiko Rölke, and Georg Zetzsche.
    Fundamenta Informaticae, 2008.

  18. Model Checking Duration Calculus: A Practical Approach., by Roland Meyer, Johannes Faber, Jochen Hoenicke, and Andrey Rybalchenko.
    Formal Aspects of Computing, 2008.
    PDF | DOI | BibTeX

  19. Language Classes Defined by Concurrent Finite Automata, by Matthias Jantzen, Manfred Kudlek, and Georg Zetzsche.
    Fundamenta Informaticae, 2008.

  20. Methods and algorithms for reconstructing assembler programs into high level language, by K.N. Dolgova, A. Chernov, and Egor Derevenetc.
    Problems of Information Security, 2008.
    PDF | BibTeX

  21. Trustworthy Software Systems: A Discussion of Basic Concepts and Terminology., by S. Becker, W. Hasselbring, A. Paul, M. Boskovic, H. Koziolek, J. Ploski, A. Dhama, H. Lipskoch, M. Rohr, , S. Giesecke, Roland Meyer, M. Swaminathan, J. Happe, M. Muhle, and T. Warns.
    ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, 2006.
    DOI | BibTeX